M-Thu: 8am-4pm
F: 8am-1pm


15 Mountain Blvd
Watchung, NJ 07069


Mon-Thu: 8am-4pm
Fri: 8am-1pm
 15 Mountain Blvd
Watchung, NJ 07069

New Jersey Tree Recovery Campaign Picture Request

The New Jersey Tree Recovery Campaign just completed its 10th year, distributing almost 1 million seedlings. This fall the New Jersey Tree Recovery Campaign will be the focal article in the Arbor Day Foundation’s newsletter highlighting our great work. Over the years the State and the Foundation has great pictures showing the over 1,000 events held, what we lack is pictures of the seedlings being planted and them growing from seedlings to trees. Arbor Day Foundation also gets a lot of questions about people planting the trees and if the trees get bigger.

To help document our seedlings becoming trees and the great restoration they provide to our places we call home; a simple survey was made with a way to link a picture of the planted seedlings that will become or are now trees. Please pass out this email and survey to residence and neighbors who planted the seedlings. For me it will be great to see those little seedlings I grew becoming trees that people proudly planted and care for doing well.

CLICK HERE to go to the Arbor Day Foundation's Survey, or scan the QR code below.

QR code to go to https://arborday.jotform.com/alester/ADFNJphotos