M-Thu: 8am-4pm
F: 8am-1pm


15 Mountain Blvd
Watchung, NJ 07069


Mon-Thu: 8am-4pm
Fri: 8am-1pm
 15 Mountain Blvd
Watchung, NJ 07069

Watchung’s Inclusion, Diversity, Equality and Respect (WIDER) Committee

Cultural Awareness & Diversity Training

Voting Districts

R8 attachment “Plan of Action for Diversity, Equality, Inclusion and Justice”

R7 attachment “Resolution Condemning Discriminatory Practices”

Mission Statement:
To transform and enrich our town and assure that is will be a place where all will thrive and grow, as we recognize everyone’s value in an ever changing global community.

On June 18, 2020 Mayor Balla established an AD Hoc Committee of the Council to investigate complaints of racism and discrimination in Watchung, along with gathering statistics, policies, procedures, statutes, rules, and regulations for all departments and operations in the Borough of Watchung. Mayor Balla appointed Council Member Robinson and Martino to the WIDER Committee. Soon after, the WIDER Committee held a series of discussions designed to address issues related to Watchung’s inclusion, diversity, and equality. All residents were encouraged to join these discussions. At any time, comments can be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.