Community News from the Green Team
Home Performance with ENERGY STAR is a national program administered by the U.S. Department of Energy in conjunction with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
The program delivers home energy upgrades that make American homes safer, healthier, and more energy-efficient. Home Performance with ENERGY STAR offers a trusted approach to home upgrades that includes a comprehensive evaluation of the home based on building science principles, and home upgrades installed by trained and qualified networks of contractors, with rigorous quality assurance requirements.
- Each Home Performance with ENERGY STAR project can save $500 per year.
- Over half a million happy homeowners have experienced Home Performance with ENERGY STAR.
- To date, Home Performance with ENERGY STAR has saved enough energy to power more than 128,000 homes in one year.
- The Home Performance with ENERGY STAR network includes over 40 local programs and 1,500 home improvement contractors.